Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Resume Demo Reel

Here is my Demo Reel of some of my on camera experience with KBYU's Daily Live Newscast, broadcast through PBS.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Current Broadcast Resume

Just click the jpeg image to make it larger

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Asian American Journalist Association

Don't let the blonde hair fool you! I am a proud member of the AAJA. My grandfather immigrated from Indonesia with the hopes of creating the American Dream for his family. I have been so blessed by the sacrifices made for me so that I can pursue the career and life that I want.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

KSL Studio 5

I am currently working for Salt Lake City's NBC station KSL, as a producer and on-air contributor. You can follow me and some of my fashion segments that I have done for KSL's morning talk show, Studio 5 , at

Below are some segments I have produced and presented. Enjoy!

Love Your Look

The Beauty Solution: Jeans